Dad Jokes — A Father’s Day Gift for All of Us
- When does a regular joke become a Dad joke? When the punchline becomes apparent. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right.
- “Dad, did you get a haircut?” “No, I got them all cut!”
- “I’m hungry.” “Hi, Hungry. I’m Dad.”
I think every Dad has used that one. - I tell dad jokes, but I don’t have any kids. I’m a faux pa.
Welcome to Venice … China?
Introducing one of China’s Knock-off Cities. The Venice canal shown here is part of a trend in China to mimic European cities and landmarks, including a Swiss village, the Versailles, and the Eiffel Tower. Check out these wild comparison photos from CNN. The real European site is on the right in each photo and the Chinese “knock-off” is on the left.’
Win a FREE $10 Chateau Cafe Gift Card!
It’s easy to win! Send your answer to the question below. Correct entries are entered into a monthly drawing for one gift card.
What do these 10 words have in common? (See the image)
It’s a trick question. Think out of the box!
Last Month’s Question: In a one-story house, everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color is the carpeting on the stairs? Answer: There are no stairs.
Congratulations to last month’s winner ~ Mrs. Edele Paddock
Just for Fun: Tetrus with Real Buildings
Architects had fun turning the Mirador building into a Tetrus gif.

How does home size affect your relationship?
Thinking of Downsizing? You might find this small home survey out of the UK interesting. For instance, the square footage of a home corresponds to how many arguments couples have. Just remember, it’s only one narrow survey. But still, it’s food for thought if you’re planning to move to a smaller home.
Don’t have a will? Maybe you can write your own
If you don’t have complicated taxable assets, like a business or trust, then you may be able to write a simple will without a lawyer. Here are some guidelines. Search how to write a will in your own state or province, since rules vary by location.